Sunday, October 15, 2017

New adventure ahead! All prayers welcome

It been a while since I last wrote. Why you may ask? Well we’ve been crazy busy since school started again. Both girls are doing well in school and all 3 have started skating and are doing fantastic this year. But that’s not what’s been keeping me the busiest. I guess I should start from the beginning, in August Keith and I decided we were going to begin a local adoption. We contacted our local social worker only to find out she was going on leave for 5 weeks, but that we could work on our paperwork for the home study portion of the application process so that when she did get back from leave we could jump right in. So that’s exactly what we did, we went and got our intervention, criminal and medical checks done. The next step was attending a 3 day training course in Red Deer 2 weekends ago. That’s when all the crazy really started. We arranged to have someone take the girls for the weekend and put the dogs into the kennel and off we went. We had no idea what the course was about or what to expect. Day one both Keith and I were super frustrated because we were there for adoption but everything was focused on fostering. But the information was good and we found a lot helpful. Day two came and by the end of the day we were more confused than ever, we still wanted to adopt but had some mixed feelings about whether we should adopt of maybe foster. Keith and I spent the whole evening talking and discussing what we should do, but no decision was made. Day three was more of the same, we were both very confused. I was very open to the idea of fostering but Keith was more on the fence. So we came home and did a lot more talking. Our adoption social worker was back so I talked to her about our dilemma. She suggested we meet with the foster care worker for our area, so we set up a meeting. We had a great meet and greet with our worker and she herself is a foster parent. At this point I was convinced that we should foster but Keith still wasn’t 100% yet. We did some more talking we shared with a few key people and asked for prayer, guidance and clarity. We asked many questions of both the local worker as well as the trainer from CSS. In what seemed to be whorl wind week we then decided and summited our official application to become a foster home, and all the other paperwork.  Then I started going crazy trying to get our house ready for the inspection, which happened yesterday. So now we the next step is we wait for our home study writer to come and start the long process of writing all about our lives. From our childhood to our lives now, and every detail in between. This is around a 60 day process and then at the end we will get licenced, if everything goes smoothly. I’m feeling really nervous because this is something I really want but my self-doubt makes me feel like we won’t get approved. But I have so much love to give and there’s nothing I want more then to open our home and my heart to a child or children out there who have had it rough. So we need lots of prayer, first that the process goes smoothly and quickly. Second, if we don’t get approved that my disappointment won’t be more then I can handle. Thirdly that if we do get approved that God prepares our hearts for whoever we will bring into our homes, that we will be patient and understanding with whatever the child has been through.

We hope someday to still adopt, but for now fostering is where our hearts are and where God wants us to be right now, and where we believe we can do the most for children out there who desperately need a loving, safe home for a little while or a long while.