Monday, November 30, 2009

The End!

Well today marks the end of my pregnancy. It's sort of a bittersweet day, because on one hand I know that tomorrow I'll have a new baby, which is so exciting, but on the other hand I know that I'm trading my pain in pregnancy for a different type of pain due to the c-section that I have to get. I can't wait to meet this little person who's been growing inside of me for the past months. Though, I am a little anxious not knowing the sex. With Emily I felt anxious until I found out what it was, and because it was what I wanted I then relaxed. I thought it would be cool to not know, but now I'm anxious, because i don't know how I will react if it's not what I think.

Emily is going to my parent's house tonight since we have to leave town before 6 am. She is so excited to have a sleep over at her Nama and Papa's house. She's also very excited to come and see the knew baby. I'm not sure how she'll feel once it's accually here. I'm not expecting to much problem's with her, but a little ajustment time is to be expected.

Well hopefully tomorrow goes smoothly and there is no complications with the surgery. And if everything goes well we should hopefully be home thursday and will post pictures then.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Braxton Hicks Contractions

I don't know who's decided that braxton hicks contractions weren't painful, but there are full of it. I know that not everyone has painful braxton hicks contractions, but unforunately I am not one of those lucky people. With Emily they started much sooner during my pregnancy but were only painful once, and that was before I knew what they were and how to handle them. With this pregnancy they didn't start until a week ago, but they are so painful that sometimes they cause me to stop and wonder if I'm accually in labor. They usually happen during the evening or when I'm been active, but not always. They come on so quickly and painfully that i have to stop whatever it is I'm doing and just think about breathing. Usually I then go sit down and within a few minutes they go away. It's getting very annoying because I can't do the things that i want to be doing without having these braxton hicks contractions. I've had to stop mopping and vacuuming and just walking downstairs to get the laundry can be very painful. I find if frustrating because I'm finally not feeling sick anymore and want to get everything ready so that when I come home from the hospital the house is clean and the laundry is all caught up so I won't have those things needing to be done when I can't accually do them. I know that the time is running short and so I want to keep busy and get everything done, because since July when I've been home I have got into a pattern and keeping the house clean has become very important, because I realize that if you just keep it clean all the time, it doesn't take long, as when you let it get a mess then it's so much harder to get caught up. I'm so thankful that I have my mom in town and that she will come over as often as I need for a long as I need after the baby's born and help me with the house cleaning and cooking. If it wasn't for that I don't know what I would do. I know it will all be worth it in the end, but for the next 9 days, it's going to be slow going.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Preparing for the newborn

Well I have to admit I do feel pretty prepared, which I guess is a good thing since there is only 11 days until it will be born. Now that the baby's room is done, that has take a load off my mind. I also completed one of the jobs today that i've been wanting to do for a while. I made lasagne, well in fact I made 6 lasagne's today. 5 for in the freezer and one for supper tonight. It may not seem like much but it helps knowing that at least for a few supper's after the baby's born i won't have to worry about cooking, if we aren't having a good day. I still have a list of things that need to be done, but the're things that I either can't do till next week or am saving to do till next week, so that I have something to keep me busy for part of the time. I do believe I am feeling a bit of nesting, I really wanted the house clean today, and did get most of it done, but had to stop because I was feeling faint(still recoving from the flu, I guess) It sure is nice to have a clean house.

On other news, our church had 6 expecting mom's, up until 2 days ago, when it started with Jessica, having a baby boy, and then this morning Avey also having a baby boy, and then also Bonny had a baby girl today as well. It's so cool that they were all born within a day of each other, and in the same hospital. If the trend keeps up, I am the next to have my baby, so we should be having a baby girl as well, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see! I would like to send my congradulations out to all the new mom's and dad's with there new baby's.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baby's room

Here are a couple of pictures of the baby's room. We didn't change anything since it was Emily's room, which is good since when we painted the room for Emily we didn't know that she was a girl, so now that we don't know whether this baby is a boy or girl the room still works.


2 weeks to go

Well after my doctor's appointment yesterday everything is look good. I've signed the paperwork for the c-section and so everything is in order. We've also got everything set up for the baby's room. The only thing that missing is the basinet, which we are hoping to borrow from my sister, but she first needs to get is back from her friend who she let borrow it, so we're just waiting to here that she has it and then I guess we'll go and get it. We bought diapers and wipes and sleepers on the weekend, so now we just wait until the day.

Emily is almost completely potty trained which is good, and just in time too, I'm just hoping it's not to soon until the baby comes and she reverts back when the baby is born. We've got almost all our plans worked out for when it's time. Emily get to go and stay with my parents for the whole time i'm in the hospital, which means Keith can stay with my at the hospital, because those first couple of nights it's reall hard to get the baby out the the basinet. WE still don't know how much time Keith is taking off after the baby is born. I'm hoping a week, but we'll see what him and his boss decide. He's supposed to be asking soon.

I'm really not looking forward to having another c-section but i know it's the only way to get my baby out and I am very ready to meet this precious little person, and find out if we need to buy clothes or if it can wear what Emily wore, because it's another girl. Everyone seems to think different things, just depending on what they this we should have. I am hoping for another girl but would be completely ok if we had a boy too. Keith really wants a son! And Emily doesn't care, she's just wants a baby.

Well i'm sure to have another update soon!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday's a day of rest!

Well another day has gone by, and i think i am starting to feel better. So far today I've had only one time when i didn't feel so good and that was while we were practicing for worship this morning and we had been singing for an hour and a half and i got very hot and dissy so i stopped singing until the feeling went away and luckily we were almost done practicing, so that helped too. I then spent the better part of the afternoon relaxing in bed trying to sleep which didn't come, but I still felt better afterwards because i had been relaxing.

I'm excited and a bit nervous for my doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'm hoping that Doctor say's that i'm getting better and that we will keep the date, because i would be very disapointed at this point if she told me i couldn't have the baby yet because i was to sick. I guess we'll see what she has to say tomorrow. I'll be praying for a good outcome.

Well not much to report, have a great night!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wishing I was feeling better

Well today is day 2 of the blog. I'm really starting to feel frustrated with this flu that I've got. I want to be able to get back to my normal routine, of cleaning and cooking, but everytime I try I either have a couphing fit or it becomes increasingly hard to breath. I would have thought that the medication the doctor gave me would have been helping my now. I'm so glad that I have a doctor's appointment on monday so that, if i'm not feeling better by then we can talk to the doctor about other options. I hope that I'm better before it's time for the baby to be born, because that's all i need right now.

Emily who has also been sick with me, is still sick as well. She sleeps most of the day, which if you know my little girl isn't normal. She didn't wake up till almost 10:30 this morning, which gave her over 12 hours of sleep, and most days she has a nap in the afternoon as well. We'll see how we're doing after lunch as to whether or not we'll need a nap. I'm just glad that Keith hasn't gotten sick, because if we were all sick nothing would get done, at least he's feeling sorry enough for me that he did the dishes last night without being asked. He can be sweet when he want too. Well i hope that today is a better day than yesterday and that i will get some house work done, but there's no garentee's at this point.


Friday, November 13, 2009

The Journey is almost Over!

Well, this is my first blog entry, but the journey is almost over. I have only a little over 2 weeks until i will be having a scheduled c-section to deliver my new baby. It's been a long and tiring 9 months, but i know that the result will all be worth it. My pregnancy has had it's ups and downs with a few scares in it. I spent the first 4 months very sick and stressed out. I ended up on medical leave when i was only 4 months pregnant do to the fact i couldn't handle the stress of my job(Manager of a clothing store). After that things went smooth for a while, but got my first scare only weeks after being on medical leave, when i started bleeding. Luckily I had an ultrasound scheduled for only a couple of days after and so I only had a few day's of agony to wait before I found out everything was fine and that they didn't know the cause of the bleeding but that everything was fine with the baby. Then things smoothed out for a few months. I got used to being a stay at home mom, and even enjoyed taking care of my house. Then in september, i had a scare of false labor, inwhich i was having small contractions for about 11 hours, only after seeing the doctor and being put on the strip for a while did we fine out that the contractions weren't doing anything, and once again everything was fine. And now the final scare happened last night. I have been sick for over a week with what we think is H1N1, but after talking to a nurse we were advised to stay home unless i was having problems breathing, which started late Wenesday, and after putting up with the labored breathing for all of thursday, Keith made me go to the hospital. Once at the hospital i was given a dry powder inhaler and a perscription for a medication to help open up my lungs. Today I've felt pretty good for the most part, but now this evening i am once again experiencing a bit of labored breathing, and hope that when i take my next dose of medication that it will help. So all in all it's been an interesting 9 months, and i can't wait until i get to meet this new little person and get on with the regular parts of my life.
