Monday, January 25, 2010

The next stage of the process!

Well we at the doctor's again today and the news was not good. The doctor is concerned about her weight so after her 6 week check-up when she was only on the 10th percentile the doctor asked me to continue as before and then bring her back in two weeks. The 2 weeks was up today and so we went to the doctor's today. Two weeks ago she weighed 8lbs and 3.5oz and today she weighed 8lbs and 12oz, which was not enough for the doctor. I know I need to do what's best for Rebecca, but it was still hard to hear. So the doctor says that for the next to weeks I need to give her formula when feeding. Then we will take her back to the doctor and see how much she gains. If she hasn't gained enough weight then we will have to explore more options, because then there is something wrong with her not what she's eating. So when we came home from the doctor's today we bought Formula and she ate well. I've been in this place once before with Emily and I'm sure I know how it ends. I don't like how it ends, but I know I need to do what's best for Rebecca.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Emily's making friends

Over last few months we've been taking Emily to Sunday school and she's started making friends with the other kids in her class, but today was the first time that I've really seen her play with someone other than her cousin's. It started before church started, there was no one in her class today, so she was just running around playing. One of the times she can by me she was with her 'friend' Julia, and I noticed they were holding hands. I thought "isn't that cute," but then dismissed it. Then just after we sat down for church Emily wanted her apples that we had taken for her, and shortly there after I noticed Julia eyeing up Emily's apples, so I called her over and asked if she wanted to share Emily's she said yes. She slowly started to eat the apple and was just standing there quietly and so I asked her if she wanted to stay with us, and she said yes. This was the start of a fun filled church service for Emily. Her and Julia played through the whole service without fighting or arguing. I had needed to nurse Rebecca during their service and had layed my nursing cover over the chair in front of us when i was done. Emily and Julia used that nursing cover as a tent, sometimes they were underneath it as it draped over the chair, other times they both stuck there heads out of the head whole. It was the cutest thing to watch. Near the end of the service the girls got a bit rambunctious and Julia's mom came and took her back to there seats, but just as soon as church was over and Emily was allowed out of our row she was off to find Julia and we had to drag her out of the church when it was time to go home. Just like all toddler relationships they sometimes fight, but it doesn't hinder there friendship. Watching the two of them play together made me sad and happy at the same time. Sad because it showed me just how much Emily was growing up and happy to see her making friends outside of family. It's amazing how quickly the time passes and they seem to grow up overnight.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

6 weeks

Yesterday marked 6 weeks since Rebecca was born. The time has seemed to go by so quickly, and yet she's accomplished so many little things in such a short time.

Here's a list of what she can do now.

-first of all she's got herself into a routine, which has her awake in the morning and evening and sleeping most of the afternoon.
-second she's started responding to people and things around her
-third she has started smiling and even giving a little giggle every once in a while
-last but probably most importantly she's started sleeping through the night. This one may not last, but I'll take whatever I can for as long as she's willing to do it.

It's hard to believe that such a new baby could get that much accomplished is such a short time, it's amazing really. So all around everything very well.

Today was the day we had our 6 weeks appointment at the doctor's. It was a bit of a sad day, since we didn't get to see our regular doctor for the first time since she moved. She's such a great doctor it's hard to see anyone else. Everything went great at the doctor's except that the doctor doesn't feel she's gained enough weight since birth, so we have to go back in 2 weeks to make sure that she's continually gaining weight. If she does not gain enough weight, then the doctor will make me supplement, which is not what I want at all. Breastfeeding did not work with Emily and I really want it to work with Becca at least until she's 6 months old.

I'm so excited to see what the next 6 weeks hold for Rebecca, since she's accomplished so much in the last 6 weeks.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Finally potty trained

Well I'm proud to say, Emily is potty trained. What was the turning point you may ask, well today while we were eating supper Emily got up to go potty and then came back and announced that she pooped on the potty. I went to confirm of course, and it was true she had indeed went poop. This was the first time in a very long time. Ever since we started training Emily when she needed to poop she would run and hide. If we caught her before she did go, then when we got her to the potty she no longer needed to go.

It's been a long and frustrating few months trying to get her trained. I really wanted her trained before Becca was born, and so I started training her in August, and at first I looked like it would be easy. And as long as we stayed home she did very well, but as soon as we had to go somewhere for any length of time, then she would pee in her pull up. It seemed the closer we got to the due date the worse she got. It didn't help that I was so tired all the time and didn't have the energy to be running with her every 1 hour to take her. When she wasn't trained by the baby's due date, I thought it is going to be impossible to do with a new baby.

Like normal when Becca first came home it got worse. Then last Sunday I decided that it was time, and that since so far nothing was working that we (Emily, Becca and me) would be staying home until she got trained. No visits with grandparents, no trips anywhere, and it worked. Within a few days she was going pee most of the time. Then this last couple of days we went almost all day without any accidents. Then today she went poop on the potty too, and I knew that it had finally clicked. She still has accidents sometime when she's busy and forgets to go, but I believe that we've finally got over the hill and it will only get better from here.



Monday, January 4, 2010

Emily dancing

We've known for a while that Emily is some what musical, but lately any time there's good music on she's got to dance. Take new year's eve for example, Keith and i were watching my 3 nephews for the night and my parents wanted to take all of us to the movies, so we went to see the sweakwell, and at the end there was some pretty great music and Emily wanted to go dance in the ille at the movie theatre so bad that she thru a tantrum when we wouldn't let her go. It was super funny. Then just today she was watching a tv show and this is what she looked like. It was so cute.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Rebecca May 1 Month Old

Well yesterday marked 1 month since the birth of Rebecca, it's been a great month. The beginning of December was a little rough with many trips to the hospital to make sure that Rebecca's beliruben levels were going done. Then once that was under control then we had to start getting ready for Christmas. I hadn't even started my shopping yet, so there was a lot to do.
In my mind the month pasted much to quickly. It was great having a new baby in the house for the Christmas season, but it was a little hectic, getting used to having a baby in house while trying to get all the things that we needed done for Christmas. It was so special sharing Rebecca with everyone who we saw during the Christmas season. Though I am glad that it's over and we can get into a routine at home.
Rebecca has been such a blessing to our house. She's perfect, she still sleeps a lot, but it spending more time awake. She's so great, Emily loves her she and loves to spend time cuddling her and helping Keith and I take care of her. It's been such a blessing watching Emily love her little sister. I was a bit concerned that Emily might not like having a sister, but i had nothing to worry about, she's the best big sister anyone could ask for.
Rebecca has went though many changes in the first month of her. When we first bought her home she spent almost all her time sleeping, which was wonderful at, night, she would sleep 5 or 6 hours during the night, then she started waking up about every 4 hours which meant that I still only had to get up once at night. Then for about the few day's she's been eating much more, I believe that she's going through her first growth spirt. She's usually sleeps most of the day, and then is awake during the evening, eating every 2 hours, then at night she gets up every 3 hours or so, which mean that she gets up around 3 and then around 6, and then will sleep for a while. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that she sleeps more during the night and less during that day, but for now I don't get a whole lot of sleep, but Emily is such a good big sister that she lets me have a nap more afternoon's if I need.
I can't wait to see what the next month hold for me and Rebecca, it will be a great adventure I'm sure.

2010 New Challenges and New Beginnings

So what's in store for 2010, well it's going to be lots of changes coming in 2010. First of all there's the new challenge of being a mother of 2, the new addition of Rebecca has brought many changes to our life, and after a month of having her home with us, I feel that I'm finally getting the hang of having 2 children in our house. The extra laundry, getting up at night, having 2 children to get ready instead of just one. Still doing all the cooking and cleaning and taking care of the house and Keith. It's a lot more work then I thought it would be, but I'm glad things are getting into routine.

The second change is that I've decided to be a permanent stay at home mom. Since I've been home since July I've realized that working and making my own money isn't as important as I thought it was. I thought I wanted to be independent and one of those successful and powerful women, but after the last job I had I was so thankful being at home that I didn't know what to do with myself. I never understand why I couldn't find a job that fulfilled me. I was so confused, but now I finally understand that the job that I was looking for was right here all along, at home, taking care of the people who mean the most to be, my husband and children. After discussing this with Keith, I realized that he to much preferred having me home too. So after a lot of thought we then had to figure out a way to make up some of the income that I will loose by not going back to work next November, so after a lot of thought over the last few months I've decided what I will be doing.

So that brings me to the third change. I'm going back to school, well I'll be taking an online course so that in a few months from now I can be a medical transcriptionist and work from home. The course it quite extensive and will take me almost a year to complete. Then after I've completed my course then I will be qualified to take and create reports for medical companies. I've very excited to take the first step into becoming a work from home mom again. I know it's going to be a lot of work to completed this course in the amount of time that I have, but I will be using my two beautiful children as my motivation to keep going, because not only do i not want to go back to work, but I don't want to have to put them into child care again.

The forth change is becoming a more active individual, after only a month since Rebecca was born I'm very anxious to get rid of this excess weight that I've put on in the last few years off and get back into shape. I know it's going to be hard to get on that treadmill every day and go for a run. But I don't want to feel overweight anymore, so today marks the second workout of the new year, and I hope to do one everyday.

So that's what new in 2010 for me and our family.
